Customized Business Process Improvement
We know one thing for sure, and that is one size does not fit all when it comes to effective process improvement. We’ve commonly seen where a consulting firm comes into a business, offers a “standard program,” carefully disguised by your branding, and then tries to force fit it into your culture and environment. We refer to these efforts as Process Improvement Casualties. You’ve probably met someone who fits this description.
Business cultures vary, and they can even vary across different departments. And let’s not forget that the environment is different depending the business’s overall size and operational maturity. No two situations are exactly the same…and neither are the solutions.
At Ferchmin Rowe, we work with your leadership team to assess the right approach to process improvement that increases customer and employee satisfaction, while increasing capacity and reducing costs.
Whether you need a full-blown Lean Six Sigma implementation or perhaps a more basic and standardized problem-solving process that anyone can follow, we can help.

We have a broad set of client experiences spanning many sectors, and we know that almost every business we’ve worked with required the very same thing. That is, getting the right information, to the right person, at the right time, and with the right tools and materials to get the job done. That level of information seems formidably complex at first look, but it doesn’t have to be. This is because departmental leaders, constantly responding to the daily demands in their areas of responsibility tend to lose sight of the cross-functional, process focus that significantly impacts the customer outcome. We can help you break that pattern, improve your communication, and fundamentally improve how your cross-functional leaders and employees work together.